Ich bin Reiseleiter in Taschkent. Mein Name ist Waheed und ich mache seit 10 Jahren Stadtführungen. Ich liebe diese Stadt wirklich und möchte Ihnen zeigen, warum! Wir decken alles ab, von der Geschichte der Stadt von der Vergangenheit bis zur Gegenwart, interessante Fakten, Kultur, Nachtleben und ihre verborgenen Schätze. Begleiten Sie mich und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Taschkent entdecken. Wenn Sie die Stadt wie ein Einheimischer entdecken möchten, begleiten Sie mich auf einer meiner Touren! Ich würde mich freuen, Sie durch diese erstaunliche Stadt zu führen und Ihnen alles zu zeigen, was Taschkent zu bieten hat! Meine andere große Leidenschaft ist die Kunst. Ich möchte Ihnen gerne die künstlerische Seite der Stadt und die besten Orte und Dekorationen zeigen.
If in tashkent- I'd recommend hiring a guide with his/her own vehicle as a paid tour...The sightseeing is spread out so only way to experience the city well. English is an issue - so no one at the monuments/ sightseeing stops to give any information unless you have your own guide
The guide was professional and passioned. A good tour of the center. Pity that Hazrati imam complex (probably because too far) was not included, it would have been interesting to know more about it.
I was thinking of not doing the tour because of some reviews i read but i realized that the main issue that they had was they expected a more fun tour. To prepare yourself for the tour, expect a history teacher to give u a 2 hr plus lesson. If you go in with this mindset u will really learn lots which will help you lots on your trip in this regiom. We also fact checker some of the info he gave and it turned out teue. We have found some guides giving us false info in a bid to make the tour more fun. Mirhovid really knows his stuff and doesnt need to bs He also paid for our metro tickets and did not even bring up us giving him some money for the tour but of course since all of us gave, since we found ot greatly benefficial Try asking him if he can combine the metro and city tour, that way u can do 2 tours at once. Thanks Mirhovid