Soy Cyprian, el guía turístico independiente registrado que se especializa en recorridos culturales en Ciudad del Cabo y sus alrededores, también es un facilitador de turismo capacitado. Cofundadora de Makukhanye Langa Tourist Guides y directora de MCN Cultural Tours.
He kept an eye on everyone, making sure we all crossed the streets safely and didn’t get split up from the group. He shared lots of interesting stories about Cape Town's history and handled all the random questions we threw at him like a pro. You could tell he really knew his stuff.
Leider keine sehr spannende Tour. Viel zu viele Jahreszahlen. Keine Anekdoten.
Cyprian was a really good tour guide. Not only did he explain everything well with good information, he also managed to touch the heart with his stories, experiences and way of explaining. It was touching at some moments, which I think is a great addition to an already great tour. Highly recommend!
Cyprian was a fantastic guide for getting our bearings in Cape Town! He did a very informative route, which gave us a good overview of cape town’s history, and suggestions of where we should visit. Would definitely recommend.