If you're interested in taking a historical tour that just involves memorizing dates and facts that you'll forget in no time, then we might not be the right tour for you. At Go Zeppelin Tours, we believe that truly experiencing a new place is just as important as learning about it. Our team of guides are all accredited by the government of Hungary and are passionate about Budapest. We tell the story of the city in a unique way that will make you think about history from a different perspective. Of course, we will give you dates, facts, and tell you about important figures and events, but we'll also talk about politics, art, religion, and some of the most controversial moments in Hungary's history. Our goal is not just to teach you history, but to help you understand it. We know that it's hard to retain all the information from a tour, but we want to make sure you leave with a deep understanding of the city. By the end of the tour, you'll have a real and unique point of view of Budapest, far from the idyllic and fictional image that most tourist guides offer.
Dani ha sido un guia espectacular. Muchos de nuestros amigos que tenemos en espa帽a nos han pedido recomendaciones de budapest y ya les hemos recomendado a Dani como guia. Ha sido atento con todos nosotros, nos ha explicado todo de maravilla y con mucha paciencia y el tour se nos ha pasado volando e incluso, tuvimos un problema con los semaforos, el grupo se descolg贸 y el vino a buscarnos personalmente para que nadie se quedara colgado. Tanto a mi pareja como a m铆 nos ha encantado :) de hecho, vamos a repetir tour con 茅l en la zona de buda.
Sandra es una excelente gu铆a. Es muy professional y me encant贸 la forma de narrar la historia de cada edificio y monumento que eran parte del tour. Felicitaciones a Sandra por ser una gu铆a sensacional!!!!
Me gust贸 mucho
El mejor!! Un gran repaso por la historia mas antigua y reciente de Budapest. Encantada con el gu铆a tanto por su forma de expresarse como por sus recomendaciones. Un 10!