Mia moglie, Nidhi ed io abbiamo viaggiato con passione ed esplorato culture diverse negli ultimi 12-13 anni. Il nostro amore per i viaggi è cresciuto solo nel corso degli anni e siamo host su varie piattaforme da agosto 2019. Abbiamo offerto oltre 1000 sessioni offline e online a ospiti provenienti da tutto il mondo, spaziando dalla cucina, alla mediazione, alle tradizioni e festival dell'India. Siamo orgogliosi di mostrare la nostra vivace cultura nel modo più semplice, rispondendo a qualsiasi domanda possano avere. Come nativi indiani, siamo qui per costruire relazioni e legami duraturi con i nostri ospiti e la nostra passione è aiutare ad avvicinare le persone attraverso esperienze condivise. Ci auguriamo di continuare a offrire agli Ospiti un'esperienza culturale indimenticabile per molto tempo a venire. Mia moglie, Nidhi, sarà co-Guru del tour e la troverai accanto a me in tutti i miei tour.
Roopak, Nidhi and their family welcomed us warmly into their home to celebrate Diwali. We had the opportunity to cook with Nidhi, who is an excellent cook, and Roopak, who explained everything about the holiday to us in a simple and very complete way so that we could understand Diwali. We made a Rangoli, which is a work of art made with colored sand, and lit some small fireworks. We prayed with Nidhi's beautiful songs, at a very beautiful altar they have in their home. And finally, we had a delicious dinner and shared a very beautiful evening.
It was fantastic lovely and beautiful experience. The family is so kind and welcoming, We prepared food, learned about the Diwali, and talked a lot a lot about everything
This experience should not be missed! Only a few days left to participate in this cultural celebration of Diwali with a local family in their home. We just loved it! Roopak, Nidhi and their daughter were amazing hosts. Starting with the warmest personal welcome! We made an amazing dinner together and enjoyed learning about the origin of Daliwal and the local customs. The family provides cultural experiences in their home year round - not just for Daliwal. I highly recommend this experience!
I visited Roopak's house for the Diwali experience. The experience was great! Got to learn a lot about the origins/story behind Diwali, made masala chai and other Indian sweets, created my own Rangoli, and had fun cultural discussions with the family. Highly recommend to visitors visiting Delhi during Diwali!
Roopak hat uns mit gut vorbereiteten Informationen zu seinem Wohnort geleitet und uns gemeinsam mit seiner Familie bei sich zu Hause empfangen. Passend zum Diwali-Fest wurde uns eine schöne Halskette umgelegt und wir bekamen den Typischen roten Punkt auf die Stirn gemalt. Wir haben nach einem Kennenlernen gemeinsam indischen Chai gekocht, bekamen in einer Pause einen kurzen Hindi-Crashkurs und haben mit Hilfe seiner Tochter die Wohnung mit Rangoli und Blumenblüten dekoriert. Zusätzlich haben wir eine kleine Diwali-Zeremonie am hauseigenen Tempel mit Öllampen, Mantras und Glockenläuten abgehalten, für welche wir auch gemeinsam Süßigkeiten gekocht haben. Roopak ist sehr gebildet, professionell und gemeinsam mit seiner Familie höchst gastfreundlich. Das Erlebnis war eine hervorragende Immersion in die indische Kultur dieses besonderen Fests und ich würde es jedem empfehlen, der gerne mit einer Familie aus der Region eine tolle Zeit verbringen möchte.