(37 ratings)


Sono un regista e artista con sede a Parigi e lavoro come guida turistica dal 2020. Sono stato attratto dalla Francia e da Parigi per la sua ricca storia culturale, in particolare nei settori dell'arte, della letteratura e del cinema. Sono venuto qui nel 2015 per un post-master di due anni in una prestigiosa scuola d'arte nel nord della Francia e da allora ho completato un altro master in Storia e Filosofia dell'Arte. Oltre alla passione per l'arte, sono anche affascinato dalla storia ricca e diversificata della città e amo condividere tutti gli aneddoti storici insoliti e sorprendenti che ho raccolto lungo la strada.

1 Tour di Ewan

Ratings (37)

(5 Ratings) Monaco di Baviera
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Sep 2024

Ewan was very generous to do the tour with only a tiny group of participants. He was very patient with our special interests and led us to interesting sights, we would have never discovered by ourselves! He shared his rich (art-)historical knowledge and entertaining anecdotes with us. It was a perfect tour - thanks a lot!

(1 Rating) Amburgo
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jun 2024

Eine tolle Tour mit einem tollen Guide, der weiß wovon er spricht und ganz individuell auf unsere Fragen eingegangen ist. Sehr zu empfehlen

(2 Ratings) Exeter
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jul 2024

"A Delightful Montmartre Experience" I recently had the pleasure of joining Ewan's Montmartre tour with my daughter as our final instalment of Paris wonders, and I must say it was an absolute delight! Ewan's passion for the neighborhood and its rich artistic history shines through in every step of the tour. Highlights Engaging and Funny:Ewan's witty anecdotes and humorous storytelling kept us entertained throughout. He effortlessly weaved historical facts with amusing tidbits, making the tour both educational and enjoyable. Insightful: As an art enthusiast, I appreciated Ewan's in-depth knowledge of local artists, their lives, and their impact on Montmartre. His insights into Picasso, Van Gough , and other luminaries were fascinating. Hidden Gems: Ewan took us off the beaten path, revealing charming cafés, tucked-away studios, and lesser-known art studios. It felt like we were discovering secrets only locals knew. - **Recommendation:** Whether you're an art lover or simply curious about Montmartre's bohemian past, I wholeheartedly recommend Ewan's tour. It's a delightful blend of history, culture, and entertainment.

(1 Rating) Londra
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jul 2024

Euan was very knowledgeable. He gave especially detailed descriptions of art scene in Montmartre, and was clearly very knowledgable about French art in general. Nonetheless the tour was still light-hearted and fun, and we took a very nice route through the area. I would recommend this tour.

(2 Ratings) Filadelfia
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - May 2024

Ewan was Great, fun, informative and well versed on all we were interested in. Recommend him to everyone!

Destinazioni a cui Ewan offre tour

(37 ratings)
