The movie-music-art-literature-fine art tour
Tour description
Schöneberg's tour
Note: As I am still on the one hour -winter schedule, I will only discuss two buildings, so as for now, there is not much architecture present in the tour!
The tour starts in front of the red island where Marlene Dietrich grew up.
We continue to David Bowie's former apartment at Hauptstrasse 155, where we learn more about his and Iggy Pop's life in Berlin.
Optional is
Kleistpark, named after probably the most tragic of all German romantic writers, here we can discuss German romanticism, as well as the so-called negative side of romanticism, the gothic romance.
In between, we come across some architectural gems like Berlin's first high-rise building in the New Objectivity style, the Karthreiner House, and the brutalist Pallaseum, which is inextricably linked to the history of German gangsta rap.